03 February 2007

Getting Settled, Getting to Work

The last couple of weeks have been nothing short of insanity. As I’ve mentioned we sold the RV in SC and drove across the country, Oregon bound. We made it back to Oregon in 7 days. I’ll be posting before and after pictures of the house once we are finished getting it set up, should be this coming week.

In the process of setting up and moving into our house, including trips up to Portland to empty our storage unit, I’ve also decided to add more to my plate. On top of www.woundaround.com I have also started my Mary Kay business back up: www.marykay.com/karirichards you’ll notice that my name is different. Bill and I are getting married in March and I’ve started the process of changing my name. I didn’t want to confuse new customers with a name change, so I’m working at getting that done now. Lot’s of changes and good things happening right now, but it will be good to get this all done and settled. Really looking forward to getting set up and settled in and working my businesses.

That’s about all that’s new right now, again I’ll be posting pictures in the coming week or two…hopefully. Keep your fingers crossed that the insanity mellows a bit.
