Sunday they were having their huge, annual, Settler’s Picnic at the Tower, and we opted not to join since it was insanity personified. Instead we strapped on our helmet’s (that Bill bought Sturgis 2006 sticker for, which is hilarious. Picture this: a flaming pink, sparkly helmet with an orange Sturgis 2006 sticker on the forehead part….that’s me. All the biker’s waved at us, it was funny) and got on our bikes and we were going to ride to Hulett. Hulett is about 10-miles from the park we stayed at. We figured we’d ride in, have lunch, and ride back. Just about 5-6 miles into the ride, Bill got a flat. Crap. We don’t have a hand pump and we didn’t (this is all being remedied) carry spare tubes. It was in the 80s, in rattlesnake country, and the vultures where circling. Ok, no worries, I gave Bill one of the bottles of water, he started walking back with his bike and I took off riding for home on mine. The plan was I would ride back, get the truck and come back and get him. Riding back was a lot of uphill so I would drop it into the easy gears on the up hills and the harder gears on the down hills and before I knew it I was home. Got home, got off the bike and just about face-planted because my legs where like rubber. Not to mention the adrenaline I had worked up worrying about Bill. I had totally forgotten to leave him the OFF wipes (bugs love him), was worried about rattlesnakes, the sun, and everything. Got up into the RV, grabbed my purse (can’t drive without my license) ditched my helmet and went to get Bill. I reached him faster than I thought I would, he had his Army walk going on and was hauling ass. We put his bike up on the back of the truck (on top of the cover) and drove slowly back home. We survived and got his bike fixed and will buy a hand pump and carry spare tubes with us from now on.

Monday the 19th brought moving day. I snapped this picture of the Hula girl while standing next to the truck as it was hitched to our house, again this was the kind of view we had from our house. We had been meaning to take a picture of her and kept forgetting. I remembered as Bill was dumping the tanks (yummy) and snapped this one really quickly.
I’ll post another blog a little bit later about our arrival in Montana.