Saturday the 8th was just running errands and misc stuff. Sunday we toured most of Gettysburg battlefield and took the time to climb up the observation towers, climb Big Round Top (we are leaving Little Round Top for it’s own day of exploring), and we walked the ground of Pickett’s Charge. If you ever get to Gettysburg, you have to walk Pickett’s charge and preferably do it with someone who can explain the significance of it to you, I can’t even imagine what it must have took to keep walking that mile distance while being shot at by cannon and rifle and musket alike, to keep walking as people were dying horrible deaths all around you and to just keep walking/running, and feeling like you’ll never get there. The distance is deceiving, the lay of land is visually deceptive, it looks closer than it is, you have to walk it.
Monday the 10th we drove to Harrisburg to visit the National Civil War Museum. www.nationalcivilwarmuseum.com This is quite possibly the best-done museum on the Civil War I’ve ever seen. It has artifacts such as Robert E Lee’s riding gloves, Pickett’s coat sleeve that was cut off him when he was injured, Stuart’s sword, and hundred’s of other just as cool and historic. They have the flag that was draped on the presidential box the night Abe Lincoln was shot and it still carries the bloodstain from where his head lay while he was being examined. The museum and moving and incredible, don’t bother taking a camera, not photography or videography or anything of the kind is allowed. If you go to the museum, make sure you ask someone how to get back to the freeway before you leave, it dumps you out on the opposite side of the complex (you can’t go out the way you drove in) and it dumps you out in a really not-so-nice end of town.
That’s it for now, we spent today in Harper’s Ferry and Antietam, but I haven’t downloaded those images yet.