Great Falls isn’t just pretty scenery, like most of the east coast it has a rich history that was developmental for our country and our way of life, small steps along a rough and long road. If you are really interested in the history of the park, read about it here: http://www.nps.gov/gwmp/grfa/falls/grfahist.htm This picture is of the first of a series of locks that used to lift and lower boats along the 75 foot Great Falls of the Potomac River.
After the Great Falls we drove to the National Zoo, it was a quick trip. Ok, getting there wasn’t a quick trip, being there was a quick trip. They only three parking lot’s open, they were all jammed packed and the exhibits we could see from the parking lot’s weren’t all that. So, we drove in, toured the parking lots, and left.
The next stop was Arlington Cemetery, this wasn’t a quick trip in any way, shape, or form. First we got turned around two different times because of construction and bad directions. We finally got there and proceeded to spend several hours there. This place is incredible, I’d say it’s cool but that seems disrespectful to the dead, it’s just amazing. Awe-inspiring might be better, but I’m not sure. There are hills and hills of white stones, all veterans and their spouses who gave their lives for our country and our freedoms. Arlington has, on average, 100 funerals a week; during the few hours we were there we saw between 5-10, I lost count. It’s incredibly humbling. We didn’t take pictures of the cemetery because there’s just something a little off about it being a ‘touristy’ kind of thing. As if the dead are a novelty. I did however video the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was really something to see. Bill had never seen this ceremony in the winter, with the soldiers in their winter uniforms. We also toured the Arlington/Lee house that is a tour that is full of history and interesting little tidbits. If you want to read more about Arlington, do so here: http://www.arlingtoncemetery.org//visitor_information/101st_army_airborne_division_memorial.html
You really need to experience Arlington to understand, it was sad to see teenagers there on fieldtrips acting like jackasses and not really caring, because no one made them care. What are we developing in our youth as a nation?