They pay such attention to detail in their exhibits that you actually feel like you are going back in

I have a bunch of other pics of the museum and I could go on and on about it, but mostly…you just have to see it all for yourself. Maybe I’ll post more pics about it later, but we’ll see. I really liked the Pensacola area and would love to go back someday.
On Friday the 3rd we drove into Mobile to try to tour around the Historic areas and stuff like that. Our experience of Mobile is that they haven’t gone to lengths to make it very user-friendly. We went to tour Fort Conde that sits in the middle of downtown Mobile, and there really isn’t a whole lot of information about it. There’s a gift shop where you can buy a bunch of crap and a visitors center that tells you all about the shopping and dining and misc crap in the area, but still isn’t very user-friendly. The exhibits they have in the Fort don’t really tell you what they are or any history about the place…maybe we just weren’t looking in the right place, I don’t know. We left the fort a bit disappointed, and went to the Bragg Mitchell Mansion. This was worth the $5 per person for the tour. It’s a beautiful house and the tour told us lots of cool stuff about the furnishings, but the best part was our tour guide. About two sentences into his spiel Bill had to interrupt him and ask if he was from Pennsylvania, you can tell by the way they talk, and low and behold…he was from Pittsburgh. That made the tour that much better. After the Mansion we went to the Mobile Botanical Gardens and apparently this is not the time of year to visit there…it was lame. And that about says it all about our trip to Mobile!
Tuesday the 7th we spent our last day in Pensacola, we went back to the Museum to watch the two Imax shows we wanted to see then went to Pensacola Beach. We had one more surf burger, and walked along the beach for a bit. Pensacola Beach is BEAUTIFUL!! White sand beaches that feel like walking through slightly gritty powder, turquoise blue water….can’t beat it, I love that area.
That’s about it for now. We left that area on Wednesday, drove 10+ hours to Charleston, didn’t like the place we were supposed to stay in Charleston so we only stayed the overnight then drove about 90min up to Myrtle Beach and that is where we are now. We are less than 100 yards from the Atlantic Ocean, and this is the first time in my life that I’ve laid eyes on the Atlantic. It has a completely different feel than the Pacific; it’s like a different world! I’m looking forward to our stay here, but I miss the Pensacola area and the park we stayed at in Milton, that place was awesome and the people were great.
One funny note about the place we were supposed to stay in Charleston. The morning after staying the night I went to take the trash out, the can was next to a cabin that was on the lake. It was really pretty, calm water, slightly chilly morning. I walked over to the dock to check out the dock and the little paddle boats and whatnot, was standing on the edge of the lake while I read a sign that said "No Swimming" and the sign below that which read "In Accordance with SC Law, it is unlawful to feed the Alligators" at which point I took two very quick steps back and decided it wasn't a bad thing that we were leaving. That and the warning sign on the office door to watch out for fire ants because of all the rain they had just recently had. Riiiight! Time to go!
More later