The University of Texas was uneventful, it’s a fairly nice campus surrounded by a not-so-fairly-nice area of town. The more colleges we see and the areas they are in, the gladder we are that Bill’s sons attend school where they do. When we got there they had one of the major streets completely closed off, I think they hit a gas main or something because the whole area was surrounded by firefighters and it smelled like ass…not that that’s particularly odd for Texas, but whatever.

So far I’m not really impressed with Texas, the way they set up their freeways and loops and whatnot is a pain in the ass and the drivers here are all insane. Bill and I have decided that the safest bet is to play the ‘when in Rome’ kind of thing, and drive like everyone else…with a complete disregard for our lives and the lives of anyone else.
I guess I can sum it all up by saying that so far the best experience we’ve had in Texas was the Wal-Mart, scary stuff that.
We are going into downtown today to see the Alamo and do the River Walk…maybe after today I’ll have more positive things to say about Texas, but so far this is yet another place we will add to our “places we won’t ever live and likely won’t ever come back to” list.