On Wednesday the 16th we drove out to view two more lighthouses. This will make a total of seven lighthouses so far, and will the last two for a little while.

We drove south and came first to the Coquille River

Lighthouse. This lighthouse was commissioned in 1896 to guide mariners across a dangerous bar. Decommissioned in 1939, restored in 1979 as an interpretive center. The 40-foot octagonal tower hosts a solar powered light. The view from this lighthouse

is, of course, amazing. The beach holds a multitude of pretty rocks and petrified wood. I was lucky enough to run into a couple of ladies that were beachcombing who showed me what petrified wood looked like in the rough.
Our next destination was Cape Blanco and it’s lighthouse.

When we tried to get out of the truck at this lighthouse, the wind was so strong that it almost ripped the down out of Bill’s hands. It was crazy; I got blown around a bit…literally! This lighthouse sits on

Oregon’s westernmost point 9 miles north of Port Orford. Commissioned in 1870, its cliff top location is 245 feet above the ocean and it’s tower rises 59 feet.
After getting blown over at Cape Blanco, we continued south into Port Orford. We were both hungry and just couldn’t pass up having lunch at The Crazy Norwegian’s Fish and Chips. I bought a sweatshirt…couldn’t help myself. They have really good food; stop by if you’re in the area. After lunch we drove a half block down and parked at a look out/beach area, it was beautiful!

That’s it for our lighthouses for now. We left the coast on Sunday and drove the 5 hours to the Portland area. We set up in the park we stayed in before left the area in the first place but weren’t really happy with it this time around so we moved on Monday to another park in the area and really like it here. We will be in this area at least through Thanksgiving, maybe longer, but we’ll have to wait and see what happens.