I don’t really have much to talk about but I have a few pictures. We are currently staying at a place on the Southern Oregon Coast. We can’t see the ocean from where we are, but we’re backed up right on a lake and it’s really pretty. This is a nice, quiet park with nice, friendly people running it. Since it’s off-season for this area, there aren’t a lot of boats on the lake, just the die-hard fisherman. We’ve had all sorts of weather here since we arrived on the 20th of Oct. A few days ago the Coast was having Gale Force Wind Warnings. We saw the tail of that and

got knocked around a little and there was heavy rain, coming in sideways…that of course…blew out our heater…again! So we bought a space heater and decided to go that route instead of spending $100 (our deductible if the guy who fixes it is certified in the state) every time the wind blows while it’s raining. The space heater rocks. It’s really small, so it’s not in the way and it has a temp control so it turns itself on and off as it’s needs to. Not to mention that it will be running on electricity that we are already paying for and not burning up our propane like the on-board heater did.

We’re really enjoying the days when it’s not dumping rain. The day there were Gale warnings we drove out along the Cape Arago Highway and took some snaps. We were standing out on a point at the end of the highway and I had to brace myself against a rock wall and lean into the wind to keep from getting knocked over. We took some quick snaps there and got back in our

truck. Before that we stopped at Simpson Reef to see the Sea Lions/Cows and Seals. They congregate here because the reef naturally protects them; it’s really something to listen to them all barking. There are hundreds of them on

these rocks. We also stopped at a little cove (can’t remember the name of it) and watched the Seagulls playing in the wind. Bill made comments about the size of the Seagulls, they are about twice the size of the ones you find on the East Coast, they’re big birds. It was fun to watch them try to fly in those winds. They would be going along just fine and all of the sudden they’d disappear, getting blown about 10-20 feet away in a matter of a second. Those that chose to keeps their webbed feet on the sand, sometimes got blown over by a gust of wind, it was pretty funny.
Well, I think that’s about all right now. Mostly we are trying to settle down and relax a bit. Trying to recover from our whirlwind (sometimes literally) tour and regroup.