Ok, more catching up to do. Saturday the 8th, Bill and I went to Cars in the Park in Sierra Vista.


was a lot of fun to just walk around the park and enjoy seeing all the classic cars. We were there for a few hours and Bill had the chance to talk to fellow Pontiac GTO lover. So, we spent the day looking at cool old cars, I particularly liked the pink El Camino…of course…owned by a woman, you go girl!
Sunday was an interesting day. We started the day by deciding that we were done not having internet and not sleeping well, so we packed up early and left SE Arizona. We called a few parks and ended up deciding to stay in Sedona. When I called to make the reservation the woman that answered the phone sounded as if I was bothering her by being alive. Every question I asked was answered with a heavy sigh, like I’m putting her out by wanting to give her business. I’ve nicknamed her Madge if that gives you any idea. I dared to ask if they offered cable TV, and if that cable TV was a full 60+ channels and not 5 (we’ve run into that problem several times) and she sighed heavily and told me she didn’t know because she didn’t watch TV. OK….if you are

answering the phones and in a position to answer peoples questions…shouldn’t you know the answers whether or not you use the amenities? I thought so. Anyhoo….we headed north for Sedona to stay at that park until Tuesday morning when our reservation at a park in Williams

(about 30min from Flagstaff) was supposed to start. The drive to Sedona went great, until we took the ramp to the 179, at which time we apparently blew a tire. All I can say is our guardian angels must have been watching out for us. One, we didn’t wreck. Two, there was a really nice couple who followed us off the freeway until they get up next to us to tell us we had a blow out. Three, we didn’t drive on the blow out long enough to ruin the rim. Four, we

didn’t wreck…did I already say that? Huh, I must be thankful to be alive. We are very lucky that it was the back tire that went and not the front, the front would have done significantly more damage and probably caused us to wreck. This was frustrating, but I was too happy that we were safe to really be that upset about it, plus the Hi’iaka had to remind me to just look around. I called the Good Sam Emergency Road Side guys and they were great, let me just state for the record, Good Sam ERS RULES!! I called, they told me I would get an automated call back in a few minutes to let me know how long it would take. A few minutes later the automated

voice told me that AM/PM Towing would be to us in about 90 minutes. 40 minutes later our guy showed up (50min early) and swapped out our rim with our spare, which apparently isn’t in great condition, which is why we have an appointment with BigO, tires tomorrow morning. Ok…so we finally get to the park and set up

without incident. We back our RV right in the first time and set down. Once we got set up we decided to go for a quick drive around Sedona to get a feel for the lay out. Boy we were glad we went for a drive, what a beautiful place. We drove up to a lookout and were gifted with some breath-taking views of the red rock formations. It was a lot colder than I had expected it to be.

We left SE Arizona with upper 80s and lower 90s during the day (sometimes upper 90s lower 100s) and it got down to about 80 at night, sometimes mid to upper 70s. We got to Sedona and the high for the day was going to be low 70s, it felt more like 60. So I was shivering up on the lookout and kept trying to

cuddle into Bill while he was taking pictures, so he turned the camera around and snapped one of us together. It was a semi-stressful day, and we look a little worn out, but it was great to stand on that lookout and have the views we did. The red rock formation on the right is called Coffee Pot Rock.
After watching the sun setting for a little while we decided to drive out to Flagstaff and maybe Williams to get eyes on the park we were supposed to be going to on Tuesday. I’m SO glad we did…we drove through the park once and decided we really didn’t want to stay there. So, we thought we would ask at the office of the Sedona park in the morning and see if they had room for us to extend, they didn’t. Today (Monday the 10th) we drove out to a park that looked like it would do. We got there, looked around, decided it was great and made our res. So we will be leaving the Sedona park in the morning, going to BigO, getting new tires, and heading to the new park that is between Sedona and Flagstaff.
After getting the park issue squared away we drove up to the Grand Canyon, this was just a quick trip…we didn’t even have the cameras. It was beautiful and I’m really looking forward to going back and spending a day there, or maybe two.
I guess that’s all for now, this is going to be a long post.