The last day or so of our stay in Las Cruces we spent tooling around town and seeing the sites. Las Cruces isn’t a huge place, so it didn’t take very long. I did find a Chocolate shop that sells chocolate covered, sugared ginger…mmmm! It’s really good. Of course, if you’re not fond of ginger you’d probably not like it much. On Monday the 26th, we played a round of Glow Golf. They don’t allow you to take pictures, so I have none to share. It was really a lot of fun; the only lighting in the place is black light. The holes are lined with reflective material and the walls are painted with reflective paint in a jungle motif, well…a neon jungle motif. To get the ball to glow you have to pass it through a light box every so often. It was a good time, Bill beat me by 3 strokes, but we were both well over par for the course. We also saw a coffee shop called The Bean, for those of you who know us, you’ll understand why that’s kind of funny.
Tuesday the 27th we left Las Cruces, NM bound for Benson, AZ. Leaving Las Cruces was bittersweet. One the one hand, there isn't much in Las Cruces to keep ya there, but it was really peaceful and we actually had time to relax and swim in the pool almost everyday.
We arrived in Benson early afternoon and proceeded to have a crappy day of trying to set up in 95+-degree heat just to find out we were really not even a little bit level (low on one side by about 3-4 inches). Bill had to go find more leveling blocks at a local RV place, then came back and we had to rehitch, unhook, and resituate onto the leveling blocks. By the time we were done we were hot, sweaty and irritable. We took a drive just to get out of the RV and into the AC in the truck (since we had been driving for several hours the RV was hot and we had to give it a chance for the AC to catch up). We drove out to Sierra Vista for a quick driving tour of where Bill used to live and for him to see how much has changed. Sierra Vista has apparently grown a lot since he was last there about 12-13 years ago. After that we drove through Tombstone and walked really quickly through, most everything was already closed but what a cool place. We are going back today and I’m pretty excited about it. It’s wonderful how they’ve kept that part of town the way it was in the 1800’s. I’ll write more about it after we get back from there today. Although this post may not even go up until tonight..so…whatever! The first night we stayed here Bill had a rough night. There is a set of tracks that runs right next to the park we ware staying in and the first night the BNSF ran by every 20min and blew it’s horns. Bill only got about 3 hours of sleep, which made him less than fun to be around yesterday. We spent yesterday cleaning the RV, putting stuff away and washing the outside of it. Bill slept a little better last night, so here’s hoping we’ll have a good day.