Day before yesterday (August 19) Bill and I drove out to Erie, Pa (about 2 ½ hours) to check out a couple of RV parks that we were looking at staying at. We didn’t take the camera with us since we just planned on driving out, checking out the parks, and driving back. Well, we ended up picnicking on Lake Erie for lunch and it was beautiful. It was my first real experience with one of the Great Lakes and let me tell you, it was incredible. There is no land on the horizon, just water; it’s like the ocean. The only real differences are that you don’t get the salt water smell, and the water is a different color than the Pacific, although Bill tells me the lake is about the same color as the Atlantic, I’ll have to wait and see. The lakes are kind of green and the Pacific Ocean is blue and gray. Also the waves on the lake come in and roll up a bunch of silt with them, that doesn’t really happen on the Pacific coast either, not like this anyway.
I can see why those lakes create their own weather patterns; they are certainly big enough too. The sand is really soft and kind of a yellowish color, it got in my shoes and between my toes, I guess I don’t have to exfoliate now.
The entire time we were eating a seagull was hawking us, he kept walking closer and closer in a circle pattern so we wouldn’t notice, and it was kind of funny. The Gulls are smaller on the lakes than they are in the Pacific Northwest, about the size of large city pigeons.

That’s really all I have to write about right now, here are some pics of Bill and I from around Pittsburgh.

Pics of Bill and I with The Ultimate Steeler Fan (this guy is in the football hall of fame in Canton, OH) and with Art Rooney's (The Chief) statue.
And of course, a picture of Jerome Bettis, my favorite Steeler...THE BUS! The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round. It was really incredible to be that close to the field while they were all warming up.
