Whoo, so I have some catching up to do. I don’t have any pictures for this post, but do have a few funny things that I’ve remembered. We’ve actually had some time to relax and run errands and do laundry. The last week or so has been spent visiting with friends and family, relaxing (sort of), and running around to find out what’s cool and what only needs to be visited once.
Tuesday the ninth we drove out to Maryland to recon a couple of RV resorts and campgrounds to see what we will be dealing with while we are out that way…good thing we did. We found one we like, but it’s more expensive than we had wanted to pay so we need to do some more research and see what happens. On our way home from that drive, we went to Gettysburg, what an interesting place. (
http://www.gettysburg.com/) It was particularly fun for me to go with Bill because he’s incredibly well versed in military history. It was really something to stand at Pickett’s charge and have him point out where they were going and what they had to go, then stand on the opposite side and have him do the same thing, it really put it in perspective. We didn’t have a chance to explore all of Gettysburg as it was already late in the day and I was already tired, but I hope we get the chance to go back because it’s a cool place. Going on one of the Haunted Gettysburg tours wouldn’t suck either, but only because I’m a geek and like that sort of thing. Our drive back from Gettysburg was another story, we apparently picked the wrong way and it took over two hours just to get to the turnpike, ugh….figures. We finally got home from this adventure (having left at 7am to recon MD) between 10-11pm, exhausting.
The next day (august 10) we decided to relax and just go mini-golfing, that was a lot of fun. It was about 96 degrees outside and we were both sweating by the time we were done, but it was still a lot of fun. We ended our 18 holes and Bill beat me by 2, although it should have been by about 15, Bill is very generous with my inability to mini-golf. After our mini-golfing fun we went to the DQ in Latrobe because it was close and they build truly LARGE soft-serve cones…mmmm…..soft serve (cue Homer Simpson sounds).
Thursday, August 11, brought shopping. Well, not really shopping so much as checking out the ability for shopping in case we need stuff. We drove out to Pittsburgh Mills (new shopping center) because that’s where the Iron City Beer store moved to, Bill I both got Iron City Beer shirts. They didn’t have any Primanti Bros shirts for girls, so I didn’t get one. They did have one really cool Primanti Bros shirt that I was going to get anyway, but the only size they had was XXL….right….that’s like a tent on me…not going to happen. We’ve also checked out some different shopping areas that are new since the last time Bill was here. Homestead is an area of Pittsburgh that was all steel mills the last time Bill was home, they’ve since torn them all down and built a really nice shopping area that is a lot like University Village (for all you Seattlites). They have Starbucks and Old Navy…really…what else do you need…oh yeah, and a Borders. I’ve also found a cool little place in Station Square (another shopping area across a river) that sells sugar scrubs to die for, really, I’m set!
Friday, Bill and I went to the Carnegie Museum of Natural Science. It was pretty cool, although the dinosaur bones (
http://www.carnegiemnh.org/) are under construction and that was hugely disappointing. We spent several hours there and toured their special exhibit, which was the Bog People (
http://www.carnegiemnh.org/bogpeople/index.htm). They also have an amazing gem and mineral display that was really fun for me to wander through but probably a bit boring for Bill.
Saturday was SOOOO much fun. Bill and went back to the Heritage Museum, but this time brought Bill’s best friend and his wife, we had a blast. The most fun for me was watching them together revert back to younger days….especially through the area of Western Pennsylvania Sports History. We spent many hours in the museum, and of course…had Primanti Bros for dinner afterwards. The day on a whole was great, not really anything I can express in words, being able to meet and spend time with Bill’s friends is great.
Sunday was a relax and laundry day, fun and games.
Monday, yesterday, we went to the Steelers vs. Eagles preseason game. This was amazing, it was my first ever Pro-Football game, and what a way to do it. Bill’s best friend got us VIP tickets and I can’t think of a better way to experience my first pro game. We were RIGHT on the goal line, I could have spit on Jerome Bettis during warm-ups (not that I ever would, all hail The Bus), I could see Ben Roethisberger’s eyes through his face cage, it was awesome. They also fed us, which didn’t suck. We had dinner just before the game at an Outback Steakhouse that is in PNC Park and looks out onto the diamond. So mom, I’ve been in PNC Park, it’s really pretty. Anyway, I was pretty full from dinner, but it was cool to have something to snack on later on during the game without having to spend a ton of money on stadium food. The food we got were boxed lunches from Subway. I had a turkey sandwich, potato chips and a cookie.
The game was awesome, we won, (Here we go Steeler’s, Here we go) we got home safe, all was good….it was a perfect first time experience. Oh, and the VIP seats have quite a lot of legroom, that was just another bonus.
Today had been really mellow. Slept till just after 8am, got up, checked email, had lunch, then Bill and I went to Monroeville Mall just to see what they have (mostly we’ve been checking out the sports stores for Steeler stuff, they are all over priced). We found a store today that was having their Grand Opening sale an everything in the store was $5.98 or less, oh, you betcha! It’s called Steve and Barry’s University Sportwear. It’s mostly clothing for Barbie girls and Jocks, but I found a couple of things I really like. Then we went to find the nearest RV store, picked up some essentials, hit the Super Wal-Mart for more essentials, and came home. We are now getting ready for dinner and watching the NFL Network…it’s cool too.
Ok, so my one funny Pennsylvania story for today. The day we got here Bill’s mom made a comment that kind of made me snicker. I was telling her it was a good thing we drove through Ohio at night because even in the middle of the night it looked flat like South Dakota. Her comment was “Yeah, you know when you hit Pennsylvania because we have mountains.” Now, this made me snicker (after having turned around in a 360 to view my surroundings), because the highest point in PA is 3, 213ft, its called Mt. Davis. I think it’s cute that they call that a mountain. I had to give her a bit of a hard time of that since Mt. Rainier in my home state of Washington is 14, 411 ft, and the highest point in the lower 48. Bill laughed right at me when I told him this because I looked so baffled about where the mountains were. He explained that they are rolling hills, but are referred to as mountains….awww….gotcha! So that’s my funny PA story that I remembered but had forgotten to mention before.
Oh, another thing, this tripped me right out, you can watch the sun set…seriously, you can look right at the sun as it’s setting, the whole way. Because of the pollution and whatever, it’s just large orange ball and it doesn’t even leave you with spots in your vision, let alone burn the retinas right out of your eyeballs, it’s freakin weird!
Ok, I’m done for now, I’ll have more to say later and maybe some pics from the Steeler’s game too, we’ll have to see.
Take care