For our second trip into t

he park we decided to drive all the way through to the south entrance and down into The Grand Tetons National Park. (
http://www.nps.gov/grte/) It took us about three hours of drive time through Yellowstone (at 45mph) to get to the Tetons, they were gorgeous but did

n’t take nearly as long as we had planned. We planned the day to drive down, tour the park, and drive back. We drove down in three hours, spent a couple hours tooling around the park, saw everything we wanted to see and headed back. I was really surprised at how quickly we got through the park and saw what we wanted to see…which were the Tetons. The view of the mountains from the lake edge was awe-inspiring. We got there at just the right time, after taking our pictures about a dozen boats, motorized and not, hit the lake and ruined the scenery. We walked a 3-mile loop around the lake to get some good pics. The whole time along trail we saw bear fur from the bears shedding their winter coats, but didn’t see any bear. The newspaper they give you warns about it being bear country and what to do if you run into one, we didn’t need to worry about it as all the bears were hiding from us. I’m not too sad about that seeing as though there really wasn’t anywhere to go (along the trail) if we did run into one.

On our drive back, since we had lots of time, we stopped at several of the features in Yellowstone that we hadn’t gotten to the day before. This is when we hit Sapphire Pool, and the Biscuit Basin….not the day before like I had thought. Sapphire Pool is my favorite pool, if not my favorite feature of Yellowstone Park. It’s so beautiful and the water is so pure it only absorbs the color blue, and the shades of blue it creates….there aren’t words for it. The picture doesn’t really do it justice, you can see so far down and watch bubbles coming up that seem to take forever to get to the surface because they start from so far below.

Another favorite feature of mine is the bubbling mud. This is one pic of the bubbling mud from one of the Basins (can’t remember which one). There will be more bubbling mud in later posts…I think. The days have all started to run together for me and I’m trying the best I can to remember clearly what happened on what day.

Bill took a picture of part of Yellowstone that really captures what Yellowstone looks like at every bend in the road. What a beautiful place! He also took a picture of the view from the back of our RV when we were staying at Yellowstone RV in Gardiner, MT. Notice the Brats cooking on the camp stove...mmm....brats!

Well, I think that mostly wraps up our day trip to the Tetons and some more of Yellowstone. Hopefully I’ll be caught up soon.