It’s now July 27th and we are in Pennsylvania and it’s been such a wild ride that I’ll have to split this up into several posts to cover everything between my last post and now.
We were wheels up and on the road at 8am. The drive east through the Columbia River Gorge was INCREDIBLE!! We didn’t stop to take pictures because we’d never get anywhere if we did, but it was amazing. (I think I’m going to have to start looking in the thesaurus for new words to describe all the things we are going to see.)
Originally the plan was to stay in Coeur d’Alene for a couple of overnights before heading to Montana. Last year when we went to Yellowstone we drove through Coeur d’Alene and I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was, so we planned to stay for a bit. We got to the RV Park and were really disappointed. The park wasn’t what we thought it was going to be, there was a mill directly across the river that wasn’t on their website that was an eye-sore and noisy. We were on a river, but not the lake and it just wasn’t what I thought it would be. Frustration at all that was compounded by not being able to get our dish to work…come to find out we probably have a broken receiver and they have to send out a tech…while we are on the road….

The drive through Northern Idaho just at sunset was really nice, and then it was pitch black. I tried to stay awake for most of it, but ended up dozing off once we hit Montana and dozed on and off between the cities and gas stops. I was asleep when we hit Missoula and Bill said that I missed about an hour of the most amazing lightening show I’ve ever seen. Once I woke up and I stayed awake to see it. It was really pretty. There was no thunder that I could hear to accompany it; there were just flashes and streaks about every 15-30 seconds. We arrived in Bozeman about 4:30 in the morning (mountain time) and parked in a Wal-Mart parking lot and hit the sack, slept until about 10am, got up…brushed our teeth, waddled into Wal-Mart for donuts and juice, and hit the road again. In Bozeman I called the p
